
The translated version of these Cookies is provided as a courtesy and for information purposes only. Only French version is binding (click here).

Warning, for security reasons, your refusal to accept cookies, may block the access to some parts of the Website, in particular to secure parts.

A cookie (small amount of data which is sent from the Website to your server and stored in your computer), does not enable us to identify you personally, but record data about how you use our Website (navigation, access to account…).

Cookies used on this Website are compiled into statistical information on traffic patterns and are used to assess the Website efficiency and improve its security.

L'utilisateur peut paramétrer son navigateur pour accepter ou refuser au cas par cas les cookies préalablement à leur installation.

The user may set his browser in order to accept or refuse any cookie before its installation on a case-by-case basis. Furthermore, the user can also remove cookies from his browser on a regular basis.

For cookies and user choices administration, the configuration of every browser is different. It is described into the used browser’s help menu. It is used to know how to modify one’s cookies wishes.

For instance :

The Website user is informed of the cookies use by means of an information notice. Once taking note of this information notice, if the user keeps on navigate the Website, he is informed that continuing this navigation means the acceptance of cookies use (you can reverse your decision at any time by opposing to cookies use).

Certain cookies are referred to as « essentials ». These are necessary for the proper functioning of the Website. These are necessary to ensure main functions’ Website. Without these cookies, you won’t be able to enter our Website properly. These are only cookies related to the functioning of our Website.